HAREM SCAREM Guitarist PETE LESPERANCE Checks In; Gearing Up For Solo Album

August 30, 2008, 15 years ago

news pete lesperance harem scarem riff notes

HAREM SCAREM guitarist Pete Lesperance has checked in with the following update:

"Hey Folks, it’s been a while. Welcome back to www.petelesperance.com . The site is still under construction so there’s lots to come.

If you’re visiting my page you’ve probably already heard that after 20 years as Harem Scarem (whoda thunk?) we have collectively decided that it’s time to hang up the skates. We’ve just released our final record, titled Hope You can check out some audio samples on the projects page.

So now what? Well...a new solo record to start.

I haven’t actually started recording it yet but it is in the works. In fact I’m going to post some vids of the new tunes acoustically so you can make sure you like them before you put down any hard earned cash when the record drops... yo. I mean, before you can buy it on CDBaby.com.

Moving right along...

The debut record from BURY THE BULLY (produced by Mike Turner and myself) is now available at CDBaby.com and on iTunes. You can find tour dates and more info on their website so if you get a chance, check them out!

Also, the band AGE OF DAZE has just released a song that I co-wrote with them called 'Overrated' as their second single. Their new record Hollywood Ending is available now across the country so check it out. The boys do rock.

And lastly, a couple songs I co-wrote have ended up on a record by a very talented French artist by the name of Cindy Daniel.

So there it is...

Anyway, check back soon for updates and new videos. Later."


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