THE RED CHORD Frontman On New Album - "It'll Have A Little Bit Of Everything"

September 3, 2008, 15 years ago

hot flashes news the red chord

MetalSucks recently spoke with THE RED CHORD frontman Guy Kozowyk at the Rockstar Mayhem Fest stop at Nassau Coliseum on Long Island, NY. Kozowyk discussed the infamous one-off side project LADDER UP AN ASS, new music currently being written for The Red Chord, and what’s it like to be one of the heaviest bands on a big touring festival.

An excerpt from the interview follows:

Q: What's on the horizon for you guys when you wrap the tour up?

A: "We have a month off where we're going to start dabbling in writing and things like that. We'll go overseas for the Hell on Earth Tour with Walls

of Jericho, Animosity, and I think All Shall Perish is on a leg of it, Evergreen Terrace and Cataract and a couple of other bands are on it. Then we're going to be writing for the remainder of the year unless we got some weird Japan/Australia offer or something like that. Otherwise, we might get back on tour at the beginning of next year, but it's really up in the air as to when exactly we'll be off and writing."

Q: So the goal is to get a new album out next year?

A: "Yeah, probably sometime in mid-next year we'd like to have a record out. We've started dabbling in writing and stuff. We haven't been actively having writing sessions and practices. We've just been kind of writing on our own and throwing ideas around."

Q: So do you have a conscious vision for the direction you guys want to move in?

A: "No, it'll probably be a little bit more of a strange adventure [than our last album] I'd say, but at the heart of it I don't know if we're really looking to shed the death metal cross. It'll have a little bit of everything. I don't know if it's a guideline as much as it is a backbone and basis for the stuff we've always done. I don't think it's going to change drastically, even though I think it'll be a very different record than the last few."

Read the full interview at MetalSucks.

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