EXODUS Guitarist GARY HOLT Slams Vice Presidential Nominee Sarah Palin

September 9, 2008, 15 years ago

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EXODUS guitarist Gary Holt recently submitted a guest blog to the Headbanger's Ball website in which he openly expresses his distain for the current Republican Vice Presidential nominee, Sarah Palin. Check it out below.

"I hate politicians — all of them. The very nature of their job is to serve the few who spend the most. But the hypocrisy hit an all time high during Sarah Palin’s speech at the Republican convention and the subsequent defense of her ongoing problems at home.

The 'Family Values' party attacks the media for coverage of her and her family, yet they have no problem parading her knocked-up daughter out there for millions to see as some warped example of Family Values. Am I to believe a pregnant 17 year old girl forced into a sham shotgun wedding to a self proclaimed 'f—ing redneck' is some shining example of 'family values?' Get real, and while you’re at it, get some condoms.

I guess her and Jamie Lynn Spears can get together and lecture kids on how fantastic life can be as a 15, 16, or 17 year old newlywed mother — if you’ve never have to worry about paying the bills, that is. But I guess we found a brand new way to gain a front row seat to the Republican convention. Bang the nominee for Vice President’s daughter. You even get a shave, haircut, and a new suit as part of the deal!

But don’t write about her pregnancy. That’s crossing the line. Only parents are allowed to exploit their children for political gain. We should have learned this lesson long ago!"

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