GLITTERTIND Suffer Set-Back Due To Cancer Scare

September 25, 2008, 15 years ago

hot flashes news glittertind

Leader Torbjørn Sandvik from Norway's GLITTERTIND, has issued the following update:

"We have done a lot of recordings and the progress of the work with the new album has been great. There are some bad news concerning my personal life however. My girlfriend was diagnosed with blood-cancer (Leukaemia) a few days ago. We are prepared and motivated to take the fight, but her chemotherapy will be though and the treatment will take time.

I will continue to work with the new album in these times because for me, music is a source of inspiration, energy and strength. Unexpected things might happen along the way and to avoid a stressy deadline - I have decided to carry a lighter backpack. Therefore the release is postponed another three months. No release date is official however. The album might be finished before this, but things can also turn out differently.

I ask for understanding and patience for this decision. The new album material is outstanding and the best piece of music I have ever done. So I think it will be worth the wait."

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