BUCKCHERRY's Josh Todd Lists His Top 10 Albums Of All Time

September 27, 2008, 15 years ago

buckcherry news rock hard

Photo by Aaron Small

To commemorate BUCKCHERRY's Top 10 album, Black Butterfly, IGN.com has posted a list of frontman Josh Todd's Top 10 albums of all time. The list, with comments from Todd about each title, reads as follows:

1. MINOR THREAT - Out Of Step (1984)

"I got this record in my teens and the lyrics really made me feel like these guys knew what was going on inside of me. The live show was even better. This record is timeless."

2. AC/DC - Back In Black (1980)

"This one still sells 10,000 units a week because it's arguably the best rock record ever made. Hands down the best rock band ever, and this record was the theme to my high school years, most of which I can't remember."

3. YAZ - Upstairs At Eric's (1982)

"I love records that you can listen to from beginning to end. Great songs, and who can resist Allison Moyet's soulful voice."

4. PRINCE - Purple Rain (1984)

"There are so many great Prince records but this one is a must-have. It captures every human emotion and you can dance, rock, and f@#k to it. Prince is the best live performer I've ever seen. You better ask someone."

5. THE CULT - Electric (1987)

"Fantastic rock record up there with Back In Black and Appetite for Destruction. Ian is a big influence of mine, I love his voice, his commanding confidence live, and the way the overall record makes me feel. Great songs from beginning to end and Billy's guitar work is sick."

6. SLIPKNOT - Iowa (2001)

"This record has one of the best lines on a rock record ever written: "People = sh*t". No more has to be said. This record is mandatory before I go on every night."

7. RAGE AGAINST THE MACHINE - Rage Against the Machine (1992)

"Amazing debut record. These guys started a movement and there has still never been anything like them. This record is timeless, aggressive, passionate, and has great musicianship. It felt like a gang, not a band, and that's what's inspiring about it."

8. IRON MAIDEN - The Number Of The Beast (1982)

"Maiden was the first big production rock concert I had ever seen. It is forever stamped in my memory and this record is a masterpiece. This is also a part of my pre-show ritual."

9. LED ZEPPELIN - Houses Of The Holy (1973)

"These guys were one of a kind and this record came into my life when I was doing a lot of acid. If I was ever having a bad trip, I would just put this on and everything made sense again."

10. GUNS N' ROSES - Appetite For Destruction (1987)

"Great lyrics, great songs, and the band was a colorful mess: unpredictable and powerful. All the guys wanted to be them and all the girls wanted to f@#k them, the perfect combo."

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