Z Rock 09 - Major Headliner Announcement Delayed

October 13, 2008, 15 years ago

news rock hard

Z Rock 09 will take place May 29th - 30th, 2009 at JB's in Dudley, England.

Organizers check in with the following update:

"First the good news, our major act is 100% secured for May 30th, 2009, however the announcement we wanted to make tonight is delayed due to a holiday in the US grrrrr. The final paperwork will be with us tomorrow evening sometime and as soon as it comes in you will know who the mystery artiste is ;O)

I will be open and frank, personally I threw the towel in re. staging another show after the abuse and personal threats that I received from some idiots before Z Rock 08, being a single parent I was not willing to take any further risks. However the response from those who attended Z Rock 08 and the feedback when I went up on stage really took me by surprise and I decided to give it one last go. The act we will announced shortly is my thank you to those who have always supported our cause. We've had disappointments over the years, but this year some of the work load has been taken off me meaning I can concentrate on the areas which are my strength i.e acts and gig set up. The act I've managed to secure is the biggest name to play any festival of Z Rock's type in the UK for 19 years and I am proud of our achievement. Z Rock 09 will sell out, how quickly is anyone's guess. If it doesn't then the scene is dead and gone.

Now to the sad part, the few who do know me will confirm that I am a very private person, I have always kept things to myself despite the name calling and bitchiness from quarters who either don't know me, hardly know me or do not know the facts. The guys involved behind the scenes at Z Rock have encouraged me go public on things. I can confirm that so called supporters of the scene have continually tried to unsettle or force withdrawal of acts from the Z Rock Shows during recent years, this time out they are working even harder than before. It is our intention to make everyone aware as to who these people are along with proof to support it should matters continue. If we do go public the melodic rock scene would be frankly turned upside down therefore it will be a last resort.

Thank you for taking the time to read this and I hope to see you at Z Rock 09, Z is back keep your eye out for the press release tomorrow."

As previously reported, the Z Rock 09 line up so far includes:


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