GLYDER Issue Spanish Tour Update; Post YouTube Links

October 16, 2008, 15 years ago

hot flashes news glyder

Ireland's GLYDER have issued the following update:

"After the Y&T; gig in London we get off for Spain. Mr Rob and Wrexham Pedro took to the wheel and we made it to Gijon in 2 days driving down through France and along the Spanish coast. We arrived in Gijon and were pleasantly surprised to find a beautiful city. We did very little for the three days before the first gig only eat, sleep drink and enjoy the nice walks along the coast.

We found a magazine called "This is Rock" the Spanish equivalent of Classic Rock and we had a three page spread in it with photos etc. The article was the interview I did with Dawn Irwin translated into Spanish. We also got a page in Popular 1 the oldest rock magazine in the world and the biggest in Spain. Great to get that exposure, pity we cant get it in the UK and Ireland.

The first gig in Gijon was great, most of the YouTube links below are from that gig. The crowd were awesome. We got three encores and we finished to a chant of "ole ole ole". There was a crowd of 60 there which 3/4 filled the venue and made a great atmosphere. Tthe promoters on this tour have all been great, all nice people into it for the love of great rock music and not money.

There are lots of photos some I have been sent and some by Rob and Pedro so I will try and upload some over the next while. We set off to Vigo for the next gig.

The crowd was small maybe only 30 but they were well up for it. It was a very sweaty affair. I had a few technical issues firstly I came on stage and my wireless was out and then I broke a song in sweets, the greater audience made up for it. There was one guy there in a Rory t-shirt who insisted on making conversation with us despite the fact he had no English and we had no Spanish.

So far we were taken back by the amount of CDs we were selling. The Spanish audience like to buy the CD if they like the music. the next night we headed to Leon. There was a medieval festival there with people dressed up as knights doing a full joust in the town square.

Rob and Pete caught this but we missed it due to the soundcheck. The town was mobbed. The venue was a cafe and it looked a bit dodgy for a while but the place filled up nicely and the sound engineer knew his stuff.

There was a guy there that travelled 100km to see us and he had all the Japanese issues of the albums, that was certainly encouraging. The gig went great and the crowd really appreciated us.

The next night we went to A Coruna, the venue was a rock cluband the place filled up nicely too and we had a great gig, very sweaty. Getting into the venues each night proved very difficult due to the narrow streets so on this one we had to ship all the gear in the promoters car from where we parked the wagon on the quays.

The next day was a day off to allow for the huge drive between A Coruna and Alicante. Mr Rob and Wrexham pedro drove through the night and we arrived in Alicante for the day off so we had a walk around the city and got some food but we were shocked that the city died at 12 PM unlike the northern towns which stayed alive into the early hours. The next day Davy, Wrexham Pedro and I had a swim in the sea which was amazing.

We had a support act for this gig which was a first on this tour. The gig was good maybe 50 people there. We set off to Gandia the next night and after some confusion about what town we were meant to be in we were caught in a storm. It was a long boring day with not much to do. The lads all had a sleep in the apartment we were staying in and the day just seemed to drag on and on.

The gig was about 20 people and from that point was a disaster but we werent really expecting a crowd in this town anyway. The next morning we set off for Madrid. Getting the equipment into the venue was a nightmare and there was no way we were getting the wagon up the street.

This gig and the Barcelona one were sold on Lizzy tribute nights and we bacially opened for a Lizzy tribute band called Schitzophrenic Spacers.

All nice guys and they used our backline. We went down amazing, There were 180 in the venue and it was a great gig, I really buzzed off the crowd.

Nice to meet some Irish folks there too! We traveled on after the gig to Barcelona. It was another long day as we had to wait on the Schitzophrenic Spacers to arrive to soundcheck.

The gig went well over 200 in the audience. The lads had a good gig I felt a bit different and found it difficult with the way the lighting interfered with my vision of the fretboard so I didn't feel comfortable. Anyway the gig was a success and we headed to Calella for the last gig.

The promoters there are a group of people who want to bring decent rock to the town and we were the first international band to play there. We sound checked to the familes of the promoters and all their kids had photos taken and we played a few requests for them including the 'The Boys Are Back In Town' which is on one of the YouTube links below. The gigs was great and the audience were great. I think everone there bought something from us. After the show we said our goodbyes to Edu and Vincent from Funhouse who booked the tour for us and headed straight for the ferry.

Mr Rob and Wreham Pedro drove to the ferry in one 12 hour swoop. The two guys were great company on the tour and did all the driving, sold merch, lugged gear and were always there to keep the mood light.

I would like to thank both of them for their patience and good humour cheers lads!! and Donna for letting us steal her husband for a month.

You can have a look at their MySpace, overall the tour was a great success and we will be back in Spain next year again.

YouTube links seems to be popping up everyday. They seem to be posting mainly the covers for some reason!!

No harm anyway, here are a few I've come across..."

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