Good LORDI - Where's My Eurovision Pot Of Gold

October 27, 2008, 15 years ago

hot flashes news lordi is reporting:

LORDI the monster winners of Eurovision 2006 failed to hit a rich seam of gold, according to a Finnish newspaper.

Lordi Enterprises, the company created by Lordi had "surprisingly" made a loss in its first 12 months to last December, reports the financial paper Kauppalehti.

The company which had a turnover of 711,967 euros, still managed to lose nearly 54,000 euros.

The newspaper said during this fiscal year only 105,697 euros worth of salaries had been paid for an average of six employees. When divided into equal shares this would only amount to less than 1,200 euros/month per monster/worker.

The newspaper suggest the losses could be due to start-up which is often the most difficult period for firms.

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