THIN LIZZY Guitarist Scott Gorham Checks In From Prague

October 29, 2008, 15 years ago

news rock hard thin lizzy

THIN LIZZY guitarist Scott Gorham has issued the following tour blog entry from Prague, Czech Republic:

"Wow, where do you start with this rollercoaster ride?

Let's start with the city itself. This a European city that I can imagine most of the other cities would have resembled had it not been for WW2. Prague suffered considerably less damage then the devastation that the rest of the main Capitals in Europe had to endure. It's a city that's been preserved in a wonderful architectural time warp.

Very different and beautiful. In only the short 8/12 hours we were able to hang here we manage meet up with some great people who made us all feel extremely welcomed with smiles and handshakes that were really meant, which added to the already relaxed atmosphere of the place.

Beware though, at one outdoor cafe a latte, one coffee and a diet coke cost me $60 or roughly £45.


Hey, if it’s a cool city then its just got to be a cool venue, right? WRONG!!

As John said "Its a fucking wine bar!" It wasn't, but after the places we'd been used to playing in it did feel extremely small. And in fact, was ill equipped to handle the technical requirements of a band like TL.

This is where your road crew comes to the rescue.

NOT playing the show was never on the menu, and our crew made sure of that. But, what usually would take around 2/3 hours to get us set up and ready for soundcheck, now took around 6 hours. Honestly, there just wasn't the equipment on site to get us up and running properly. Our road crew throughout the tour has been incredible, but today they were Supermen! Thanks guys.

The actual gig itself turned out to be kicking. Sold out and packed. There were no safety barriers so the fans were practically standing next to you. The really great thing here was, yes everyone seemed just inches away from you, but there was NO trying to grab guitars, untie shoelaces (that does happen) or generally just trying to grab on to any available appendage. It was all fist pumping, a lot of singing and jumping and we all had a great time. It seemed that everyone just understood the space constraints and were not into spoiling the performance in any way. There were a lot of handshakes and autographs taking place up there and it all turned out to be good fun stuff.

So, what started out with a venue that had "Disaster" written all over it actually ended up being a gig that was pretty cool and a HELL of a lot of fun. It also proved to the band what a great audience the Czech crowd really is. The venue might have been shit, but the fans and our roadcrew were the real stars last night.

Next time we come back we want to show you all of Thin Lizzy and not just the "space available" one. You guys take care, and thanks, it was a little different but a whole lotta fun.

Roll on Warsaw - the last show."

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