ABSOLVA Reveal Never A Good Day To Die Artwork

July 13, 2015, 8 years ago

news absolva heavy metal

ABSOLVA Reveal Never A Good Day To Die Artwork

British metal band Absolva have revealed the artwork (created by CadiesArt) for their forthcoming third studio album, Never A Good Day To Die, which is set for release on October 12th via Rocksector Records.

Absolva frontman Chris Appleton has this to say... "I was lucky enough to have CadiesArt do the cover for my Restless solo acoustic album earlier this year and after that amazing effort it was an obvious choice to invite the same artist for the new Absolva record. I love the way this artwork gives the possibility of both good and bad stories from the meaning of the album title and that's exactly what we wanted. Fans may also notice a familiar Absolva image included (as well as the band logo); it'll be interesting to see if people notice."
Chris continues... "We have a very good idea what the tracklisting will be, but some of the songs are still developing in rehearsal so we'll not reveal the listing until we've completed the recording. We're definitely excited about the 11 or 12 songs which will finally be included."
The band will be touring UK & Europe to promote the new album; dates are listed in the poster below.



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