AC/DC - New Information Revealed In PHIL RUDD Court Case

July 12, 2015, 8 years ago

news ac/dc phil rudd hard rock

AC/DC - New Information Revealed In PHIL RUDD Court Case

According to TVNZ, Phil Rudd has been sentenced at Tauranga District Court to eight months of home detention. The former AC/DC drummer pleaded guilty in April to charges of threatening to kill and possession of methamphetamine and cannabis. Rudd will be electronically monitored for eight months and must also complete a rehabilitation programme.

The 61-year-old, who had sought a discharge without conviction on serious charges, will also be subject to post detention conditions for six months.

Judge Thomas Ingram told Rudd that there "was nowhere to hide" and he would be jailed if he was found to have any traces of drugs or alcohol in his system.

According to the New Zealand Herald, significant new insights around the case emerged during the court proceedings. They included:

• Rudd has been meeting one-on-one with a specialist psychiatrist but authorities have remained concerned about his behaviour. It emerged ESR results showed Rudd had tested positive for cannabis in a test in December.

• The rocker put the threats he made to his former employee down to "methamphetamine-induced psychosis".

• Rudd has reconciled with his would-be victim and agreed to pay him a substantial sum of money in reparation - the Herald can not reveal the amount for legal reasons. Mr Tuck told the court a process that had "started badly" had "ended beautifully".

• Rudd's lawyer claimed that a conviction would result in losses in the tens of millions of dollars that would have came from being able to tour with AC/DC. The Crown cast doubt on this assertion, pointing out there was no direct evidence that Rudd was still a member of the band.

• Rudd's defence claimed while there was "uncertainty" about his place in AC/DC, it was "certainly not a closed door". The Crown however argued Rudd was not a member of AC/DC even before the time he was arrested in November.

• Rudd was concerned about people - half of many he claimed he didn't know - that were hanging around in his house, some of whom he described as "fleas". Their presence had led to phone the police on two occasions.

• Mr Tuck said Rudd had described the issues that stemmed from his drug use had resulted in "perfect storm" that "impacted heavily on those around me".

• Rudd's son, Steven Rudd, who was also in court today, described his father as having "a heart of gold" and it was "just when the drugs take over" that trouble began.

• An affidavit from Australian music industry heavyweight Michael Murchison, whose music touring credits include The Rolling Stones, Bob Dylan, Madonna and The Sex Pistols, described how Rudd's behaviour had been "heart-wrenching" to see. "Phil needs help and many tears were shed by those close to him."

Go to this location for the complete New Zealand Herald article.

Rudd has been on bail since he was arrested after police executed a search warrant at his Bureta, New Zealand home on November 6th, 2014.

AC/DC are currently on their Rock Or Bust tour with former drummer Chris Slade on the drum stool. “I’m sure they are having a great time," Rudd says. "I’m sure it sounds great. I wish I was there. And I’m not the only one.”

Rudd was charged over an incident on September 26th, 2014 where - according to a police summary - Rudd rang a man he knew and threatened to kill both him and his daughter, according to This was consistent with another phone call made by Rudd earlier that morning. The drug charges were laid after police executed a search warrant at Rudd's home on November 6th. Police say Rudd had 0.71g of methamphetamine and 130g of cannabis in his possession. He was also charged with attempting to procure a murder when he appeared in court in November, but this was dropped by the crown solicitor the following day.

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