ALLEGAEON Part Ways With Vocalist Ezra Haynes

October 12, 2015, 8 years ago

news allegaeon black death

ALLEGAEON Part Ways With Vocalist Ezra Haynes

"It is with a heavy heart that we announce that we have parted ways with our vocalist and brother Ezra Haynes," says Colorado-based death metal band Allegaeon. 

"Lineup changes suck for the fans, and even more so for the band. He is still a very dear friend to us and we wish him the best with his future projects. That being said we're very excited to embark on this tour with Act Of Defiance.

Our good friend Riley McShane (Son Of Aurelius, Inanimate Existence, Continuum) will be filling in on tour. As always come rage with us!"

A statement from Ez reads: "There is no easy way to say this, I am no longer a member of Allegaeon. At the moment there are some things that require my full undivided attention. With that being said, I wish Stancey pants, Greggoroth, B-Park the marksman (you guys better start calling him that) and Coco Malone the best of luck and great success, they deserve it more than anyone I know! The most important thing to me is that the fans understand truly how much I love and adore them. I’ve met literally thousands of amazing human beings over the last 7 years. You guys and gals are incredible and thank you for your ongoing support!

Will I continue music in the future? Most definitely, I am looking for projects, so feel free to contact me. Please be sure to catch Allegaeon on their upcoming tour with Act Of Defiance, I can tell you from first hand experience that this will be one of the best live shows of 2015."


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