Chile’s NUCLEAR Cover DEATH’s “Evil Dead” In New Music Video

May 27, 2016, 8 years ago

news heavy metal nuclear death

Chile’s NUCLEAR Cover DEATH’s “Evil Dead” In New Music Video

Chilean thrashers Nuclear have released a new video, covering Death’s classic "Evil Dead”. Originally released 29 years ago and given Nuclear’s extreme makeover,  the video includes tour footage, as well as shots from the recording sessions of the band's latest release, Formula For Anarchy (Candlelight Records 2015).

Nuclear had this to say about the video: "It is just our humble tribute to one of the greatest musicians metal music had the opportunity to listen. Chuck Schuldiner's indelible mark is still influencing tons of new metal acts around the world and Scream Bloody Gore was one hell of a start for all of us.”

Nuclear is currently working on new material and a new album is expected to be released in 2017 by Candlelight/Spinefarm Records.

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