CRADLE OF FILTH Moved To Smaller Stage At Wacken Open Air 2019 Following Temporary Thunderstorm Evacuation; Fan-Filmed Video Available

August 4, 2019, 4 years ago

news cradle of filth black death

CRADLE OF FILTH Moved To Smaller Stage At Wacken Open Air 2019 Following Temporary Thunderstorm Evacuation; Fan-Filmed Video Available

Cradle Of Filth keyboardist / backing vocalist Lindsay Schoolcraft has checked in with the following update:

"We had such a great time at Wacken this past Friday despite all the complications because of the storms. We were literally told 10 minutes before we were heading to the stage that we had to evacuate. We were sent to a safe building for an hour and because of this we were told we missed our set time and may not be able to play. Luckily, we were moved to a smaller stage and were still able to perform in the evening. The day brought on a lot of fun, laughter, and memories because of this schedule swap. If we went on at our regular set time I would have missed out on so much and would have been back to the hotel and in bed by 8pm... boring. I’m sorry that the meet-and-greet didn’t go ahead and apologize to anyone we missed because of it. Thank you to our wonderful crew who helped us get through the day and thank you to the Wacken staff for their 5 star hospitality."

Fan-filmed video from the show is available below.

Lindsay Schoolcraft is preparing to release her debut solo album, Martyr, on October 7th.  The album was co-written by former Evanescence drummer Rocky Gray and offers eleven tracks of entrancing gothic rock, influenced by Schoolcraft's background in classical music. Fans of Evanescence, Nightwish, and the like will appreciate Martyr's lush, piano-driven arrangements, while Cradle of Filth enthusiasts will enjoy hearing this darkly romantic side of Schoolcraft's music.

Lindsay commented: "At last I can finally share with the world what I’ve been so vaguely teasing online for years. I can’t thank my fans enough for being so patient about this release. Working with Rocky Gray has been a dream come true for me and the love I have for his work and my lyrical stories really shines through on this album. I hope everyone enjoys it as much as I did creating and recording it."

"See The Light" - featuring Ne Obliviscaris frontman Xenoyr - is now available on Lindsay's official BandCamp page. Check out the song via the player below.

Lindsay recently released a lyric video for the song "Lullaby".

Join the mailing list to be notified when Martyr is released here.

Lindsay recently shut down the internet trolls that have started to spread rumours she is leaving the band following a post in which she stated: "The last 4 months with Cradle of Filth have been very rewarding. We’ve been across 4 continents and have brought our music and art to so many people. I feel grateful to say I can do this for a living and that I have a great circle and support group around me who keep me inspired and sane. Unfortunately I am not a robot nor machine and my body, mind, and spirit are running on little to no steam at the moment. I plan to go home and hide for awhile and when my energy comes back I will continue to create and push forward my solo album launch. Thank you all who were part of our world tour the past few months. Thank you to anyone who was kind and loving towards me when I was down or weak. Thank you all who are still here and for your love and patience."

Some small-minded people clearly read too much into her post, and Lindsay has issued the following answer to those individuals:

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