DEVIN TOWNSEND On New DTP Album - "It's A Direct Representation Of The Five People Who Made It"

August 24, 2016, 7 years ago

news devin townsend heavy metal

DEVIN TOWNSEND On New DTP Album - "It's A Direct Representation Of The Five People Who Made It"

Metal Wani's editor-in.chief Owais 'Vitek' Nabi recently had a chat with Devin Townsend Project mastermind Devin Townsend. In the interview below he discusses the upcoming new album, Transcendence, fan response to new single "Failure", writing music without boundaries, limits and barricades. Townsend also talks about collaborating with other members of DTP for the first time, why it's a deeply complex and heavily passionate experimental, symphonic and progressive metal album. He also throws light on his singing, why he hates it, how he developed the style, why this album will divide the extreme metal fans and prog rock fans and more.

Devin Townsend Project are streaming the track "Secret Sciences”, from their new album, Transcendence, out on September 9th worldwide. Listen to the new track below:

Devin recently commented: “Transcendence, like every record I've done prior, is an extension of what’s been going on in my world, represented in a new batch of songs. I'm 44 years old now, and this is where I have been over the past two years since Z2.”

The album features an updated version of the song "Truth", which originally appeared on Devin Townsend's Infinity album from 1998.


"Secret Sciences"
"Offer Your Light"
"From The Heart"
"Transdermal Celebration"


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