DEVIN TOWNSEND PROJECT Issues Epic Industrialist First Movement Tour Diary-A - "Four Plus Minutes Of Our Tour Farts"

December 11, 2012, 11 years ago

hot flashes news devin townsend project

DEVIN TOWNSEND PROJECT drummer Ryan van Poederooyen has checked in with the following update:

"OK, so you want to know the truth about the road and what 17 dudes do on a tour bus for fun when we're bored and traveling city to city ? Check this video out then.

Thanks to Devin for making this masterpiece. Some may love it and some may just think we're completely messed up individuals! Enjoy!"

Following is a description of what you're about to hear, assuming you haven't already hit the "play" button:

"Ok guys, so here's the deal:

It's been over 8 weeks away, and the Epic Industrialist tour is coming to an end. As a preface, this recording is the first of several instalments (we're working on a video for it now, but you deserve to hear it in the raw form...) of our 'First Movement' together... four plus minutes of our tour farts.

All of us on the bus (17 people) decided to start recording our farts on our iPhones, to give the general public an idea of how romantic being on a tour bus with 17 mental cases can be...

Anyways, all these farts are real. All of them are ours. This is our mission statement.

Ladies and gentlemen, this is FEAR FACTORY and the Devin Townsend Project, live and in the flesh...wanna borrow our phones?

More tour videos coming soon. Been a fucking long run..."

Remaining dates on the tour are as follows:


13 - Wulfrun Hall - Wolverhampton, United Kingdom
14 - ABC - Glasgow, United Kingdom
15 - Ritz - Manchester, United Kingdom
16 - Academy - Bristol, United Kingdom
17 - Mo'Club - Southampton, United Kingdom

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