EVERGREY Frontman TOM ENGLUND "Ashamed Of Being A Man" Following Reports Of Rape At Sweden's Bråvalla Music Festival

July 3, 2016, 8 years ago

news evergrey heavy metal

EVERGREY Frontman TOM ENGLUND "Ashamed Of Being A Man" Following Reports Of Rape At Sweden's Bråvalla Music Festival

According to a report by The Local out of Sweden, a 20-year-old man was charged on this week for raping a girl in the middle of a pop concert at the Bråvalla Music Festival in eastern Sweden. The man is accused of having raped a 17-year-old girl right in the middle of the concert crowd on June 28th, while Swedish pop star Veronica Maggio was on stage at Bråvalla. The girl claimed he grabbed her throat to hold her in place. 

Dense crowds made it difficult for the girl to escape, the prosecutor has concluded, meeting the definition of a particularly vulnerable situation in accordance with Swedish law.

The case is based on testimony from the girl, several witnesses, and security guards at the festival.

Evergrey frontman Tom Englund has commented on the incident via Facebook:

"Reading about yet another rape at the Bråvalla Festival in Sweden makes me feel ashamed of being a man.

I feel sick, guilty and saddened to think that the possibility exists that even ONE single woman could perceive me as a threat. What is so incredibly and uniquely fucked up in a man’s head that makes him think that he could ever have the right to even get close or talk to a woman without her consent?! 

Men’s’ degrading view of women disgusts me. It disgusts me that a perception by some still exists today that men are superior. We are fucking not! On the contrary, we are very fucking far from it! Spreading insecurity and fear by our mere presence is so far from anything I want to be connected with. So much so that I feel that the world has lost its colour, its vibrancy and my hands are trembling as I type this. The thought of what women have to go through just by co-existing in everyday life in this world together with us men shames me. 

It´s the attitude, the apathy and the SILENCE that has to fucking stop! And it will only have a chance to stop if us - men - fathers, husbands, brothers, boyfriends and grandpas - finally stand up for our moms, daughters, sisters, grandmas, wives, friends, girlfriends and, of course, any other women in distress.

And to men that think women - your moms, daughters, sisters, grandmas, wives, friends and girlfriends - are of a lesser kind, or that some get what they deserve because of how they dress, act or look, go kill yourselves you swine, you predators, you scum.

Those same words go out to all of us who say or do nothing and just let our women face this on their own."

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