FEAR FACTORY Guitarist DINO CAZARES On The Rise Of AI - "There's Gonna Be A Lot Of Changes Coming Up, And People Need To Be Prepared For It" (Video)

June 24, 2024, 5 days ago

news fear factory heavy metal dino cazares

FEAR FACTORY Guitarist DINO CAZARES On The Rise Of AI - "There's Gonna Be A Lot Of Changes Coming Up, And People Need To Be Prepared For It" (Video)

Fear Factory performed at Graspop Metal Meeting 2024 in Dessel, Belgium on June 21st. During their stay, guitarist / founder Dino Cazares commented on AI and the influence it has in out present day society.

Cazares: "We kind of knew that things like that were gonna eventually change, and I hope that I'm alive long enough to actually see androids alongside us and to see how that works. Because we've been using technology forever to better our lives. I think the next thing would be these little nanobots that they would actually inject into your blood and they would be able to fight cancer and help you clean your liver and things like that. That, I think, would be the next breakthrough that would be really helpful for us humans. But how A.I. and how that's changing a lot of stuff, it could get really scary. There's gonna be a lot of changes coming up, and people need to be prepared for it."

Speaking with Brutal Planet Magazine earlier this year, Cazares revealed the band's plans to release a new album in 2024. It will feature the recording debut of new vocalist Milo Silvestro, who has been with Fear Factory since February 2023, replacing Burton C. Bell.

Cazares: "We want to try to get something out as soon as possible, but it may be a little bit of a while because we have a lot of touring coming up. I'm trying to stop (touring) at the end of June so we can go straight into the studio and start recording. But we're pretty much booked from now to the end of June, and it's gonna be a good six months. We've got to at least put a single out before the end of the year."

Check out the full interview below.

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