Five Tips to Tide You Over Until Music Venues Reopen

July 20, 2020, 3 years ago


Five Tips to Tide You Over Until Music Venues Reopen

Even with restaurants and cafes beginning to open in many countries around the world, music venues are still shut. The very nature of a great gig, after all, is being pressed in a room with other great fans while you all enjoy the music. An empty music venue is not fun. It feels awkward and even forced. You cannot get lost in the music in the same way in an empty room as you could in a packed venue. 

So, for now, music venues remain shut. Outdoor gigs can certainly happen now that it is summer, and social distancing can be better observed, but those close-knit venues we all know and love will have to wait. 

1. Follow Your Favourite Artists on All Their Social Channels 

Chances are your favourite artists are doing a lot to keep their fans engaged. Perhaps they are doing studio tours, or taking you through how they created your favourite songs. They know they need to stay in touch with their fans during this time, especially if they aren’t on the radio every other song. So, if you are looking for a fix, go directly to the source. 

2. Partake in Digital Sessions 

Now is the perfect time to look online for digital sessions that your favourite artists have done in the past. You might find new renditions of your favourite songs, hear some great covers, and generally just be able to enjoy seeing your idols in a smaller stage. 

3. Treat Yourself to Better Speakers 

If you are going to be listening to music in your home then you need to have a good sound system. A good way to get around this if a high quality system in your home is out of your budget is to just invest in a pair of decent noise-cancelling headphones. Headphones, at the very least, can be used in a wide variety of settings, allowing you to spread out the cost and reap the benefits. 

4. Host Your Own Great Night Out (Indoors) 

Invite friends over or simply plan a great night in with your existing roommates. With even just a few people you can have a great time, so long as you prepare it properly. Get a host of different activities ready and troubleshoot issues in advance. You can put on a live act of your favourite artist up from YouTube or even their official page. As it’s not the same to watch these acts as opposed to being right in the thick of things, don’t be afraid to plan additional activities. 

Party games, casino games, drinking games — your options are almost limitless. Just make sure all your guests are on the same page. If you guys want to try your hand out at a few new bitcoin casino games, then visiting Bitcoingg is a good way to double check what you need to do to start gambling with bitcoin before the night starts. 

5. Garner Support for the Venues 

You can support your favourite musicians by buying their music, streaming their songs, and collecting their merchandise. Your favourite musicians have a means to make money even without touring. It is your favourite local venue, however, that is suffering. Many will likely have options to donate or to buy ticket vouchers or even merchandise. Support them. Share with your friends, family, or followers. 

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