Future Weed Smoker

July 19, 2020, 4 years ago


Future Weed Smoker

Smoking Jason and Always-Toking Jason are two hypothetical individuals who have smoked weed for over ten years. The two of them end up with two opposed outcomes. These people are found in the Americanmarijuana.org study titled Future Weed Smoker: what happens if you smoke weed continuously from now to 2030?

The Players

Smoking Jason uses his weed in moderation. He ensures that there is enough time between his smoking sessions. He observes hygiene, and he has embraced healthy habits such as eating healthy food, physical exercise, and practicing hygiene. 

Always-Toking Jason is a different person. He smokes large quantities of marijuana many times every day without allowing his body time to recover. He gives in to marijuana-induced laziness, and he doesn't exercise, which results in health woes.

His health troubles are exacerbated by the urge to overeat, which usually comes from using marijuana. This guy is lazy, and he doesn't take care of his hygiene. Below are these two individuals' physical and psychological profiles after ten years of following their cannabis smoking paths.

We will discuss the different body parts and how they will be affected by weed use in ten years.

Smoking Jason

Eyes: - His eyes are bright, and his vision is excellent. Although smoking weed causes the dilation of blood capillaries, this smoker gives his eyes time to recover. If this person had glaucoma, this moderate use of marijuana reduces the eye’s intraocular pressure, thus increasing their peripheral vision.

Skin: - This user's skin is smooth and healthy because they give the skin time to have their blood flow resume before smoking marijuana again. Cannabis's anti-inflammatory effects help in the management of many inflammatory skin conditions. Some of these include eczema and acne.

Lungs and throat: - Although smoke is harmful to the lungs, this guy uses it only in moderation, and he allows himself time for the lungs to return to normalcy. When used with care, THC in marijuana acts as a bronchodilator. It opens up the user's airways, which makes their breathing better.

The smoke usually causes scarring on the vocal cords and even this guy experiences. This scarring is irreversible, but the progression of damage on the voice box is slow enough to allow this guy to maintain his voice within their vocal range. This aspect is particularly crucial for marijuana users who are also musicians.

Oral health: - Exposure of teeth and the entire mouth to smoke is destructive as it causes dental carries and mouth odor. Smoking Jason doesn't smoke too much of it, which means limited damage. Observance of oral hygiene also helps to clear out whatever damage they may have sustained from the smoke.

Bodyweight: - When taken in small quantities, marijuana energizes the user. This makes Smoking Jason more likely to exercise, thus reducing their body weight. This smoker also endeavors to maintain healthy eating habits, which also help keep weight within the healthy range.

Always-Toking Jason

Eyes: - His eyes are bloodshot, and his eyesight is terrible due to damaged blood capillaries.

Skin: - Continuous exposure to marijuana smoke causes the skin to have less collagen, which is the substance responsible for skin elasticity. Blood flow in the skin is also compromised, giving the skin an unhealthy whitish hue. This guy looks older than his age.

Lungs and throat: - Always-Toking Jason will probably have lung cancer by this time, and if he doesn't, his lungs will be severely damaged by sustained exposure to smoke. His throat will have been permanently scarred, and their voice will have changed considerably.

Dental carries will ruin oral health: - His teeth, and there will be mouth odor. This will be due to damage occasioned by smoke, coupled with poor oral hygiene.

Bodyweight: - Marijuana is known to cause body locks, making it difficult for users to exercise. Heavy weed smoking can also create a person to have an uncommonly big appetite. This combination of factors will make the person overweight.

It shows that whatever effect marijuana will have on you is your choice, keeping it natural, exercising, eating well, and maintaining hygiene guarantee the best outcome.

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