GIRLSCHOOL Part Ways With Bassist ENID WILLIAMS, Again

January 29, 2019, 5 years ago

news hard rock girlschool enid williams

GIRLSCHOOL Part Ways With Bassist ENID WILLIAMS, Again

"We wish to inform our fans that Girlschool have parted ways once again with bassist Enid Williams," states a message from Girlschool singer/guitarist Kim McAuliffe, guitarist Jackie Chambers, and drummer Denise Dufort.

"Tracey Lamb, formerly of Rock Goddess and Girlschool (1987-1991 & 1993-2000), will be helping us out on upcoming dates until we find a permanent replacement.

"Girlschool would like to wish Enid all the best in all her future ventures.

"Thanks to you our fans for standing by us all these years and we will see you at all the shows, we’re also looking forward to recording new material soon."

Girlschool's next concert is scheduled for June 27th at The Zoo in Fortitude Valley Qld, Australia. Find the band's live itinerary here.

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