ICED EARTH Cancel Metal Hammer Paradise Festival Appearance Due To STU BLOCK’s Illness - “It Looks Like I Have The Zombie Plague,” Says The Singer

November 9, 2016, 7 years ago

news heavy metal iced earth stu block

ICED EARTH Cancel Metal Hammer Paradise Festival Appearance Due To STU BLOCK’s Illness - “It Looks Like I Have The Zombie Plague,” Says The Singer

Iced Earth have been forced to cancel their appearance at Metal Hammer Paradise Festival 2016 due to singer Stu Block’s illness.

Says Stu: “Hello Iced Family! Stu here, well I have some crappy news, it looks like I have the Zombie Plague!! It's cool because I have always wanted to see what it would be like to be a Zombie, so I'm embracing it!

“Seriously though, a day ago I wasn't feeling very good and now it has blown into acute strep throat with bronchitis/chest infection with flu like symptoms and a touch of what I swear is the Zombie Plague according to the Doctor... (well not the Zombie part, LOL) I can't talk and can't swallow so I'm groaning/mumbling and spitting up what can only be alien mucus eggs into a jar.

“We never like cancelling shows, EVER, but needless to say we won’t be able to perform at Metal Hammer Paradise Fest on November 12th. I won't be fully recovered by then and I want to be 110% for the Athens and Thessaloniki Greece shows at the end of November and the Headbangers Ball tour starting in December!! I hope you all understand, but health is always the first priority. Cant wait to rock for you guys!! See you all soon!!! BRAINS!!! Stu.”

Iced Earth founder, Jon Schaffer remarks “We’re saddened to have to pull the plug on this gig, but my brother’s health is clearly the priority, and we have a pretty grueling schedule right around the corner, so he needs the time to rest and get well. We promise to try to make up the gig in the future and apologize to our friends at Metal Hammer and our fans for these unfortunate circumstances.”

Iced Earth will resume work on their 12th studio album after touring and a short break for the holidays.

Back in September, Jon Schaffer checked in with the following update:

"Brothers and Sisters,

“Please join us in welcoming Jake Dreyer, our new lead guitar player, to the Iced Earth family.  We’re excited for Jake to be a part of the team as he has the talent, drive, and the personality we were looking for. Jake joined Stu and I last week to do some tracking at Independence Hall and he hammered out some ripping guitar solos on several songs from the new album. Jake will play on the upcoming Iced Earth studio album and will perform his first live show with us in November at Hammerfest in Germany.

“I want to personally thank all of the guitarists who auditioned for the position, it was an overwhelming response, and there are many very talented guys out there.  So again, thank you for your passion and interest.

“We are progressing at an excellent rate on the new record and I can say with all sincerity that this will be one of the most significant albums in the Iced Earth catalog.  We are pumped.  It’s the next level.

“Stay tuned, and best to you all."

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