JIZZY PEARL - "There Is No Pot Of Gold At The End Of The LOVE/HATE Tunnel"

September 28, 2015, 8 years ago

news jizzy pearl love/hate hard rock

JIZZY PEARL - "There Is No Pot Of Gold At The End Of The LOVE/HATE Tunnel"

Jizzy Pearl is undertaking a five-day tour of The UK in November - playing Black Out In The Red Room from start to finish - in celebration of the 25th anniversary of the release of the debut Love/Hate album.

Leading up to these shows, Jizzy was a recent guest on the Friday NI Rocks Show; a portion of his interview has been transcribed below.

The release of Crucified in late 2013 was impacted at the time by legal issues and it came out as a Jizzy Pearl album rather than a Love/Hate album. What is the current legal situation with the band name Love/Hate?

"There isn’t really any legal situation. I own the name and have owned the name forever and ever. It was - did I want to lawyer up and spend $10,000 to $20,000 to defend something that is really to me a hobby and for fun. Going to The UK is basically a paid vacation. There is no pot of gold at the end of the Love/Hate tunnel. We didn’t sell multi-millions of records. The fact that I’m able to go over there once a year and still play; that’s enough for me."

Read more at this location.



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