JOE PERRY On Possibility Of New AEROSMITH Studio Album - “I Know We'd Like To Do Another Record, I Just Don't Know When”

July 16, 2015, 8 years ago

news hard rock aerosmith joe perry

JOE PERRY On Possibility Of New AEROSMITH Studio Album - “I Know We'd Like To Do Another Record, I Just Don't Know When”

Speaking with HNGN’s Michael Leo, Aerosmith guitarist Joe Perry discusses the possibility of a new Aerosmith studio album.

Says Perry: “We'll see how the touring goes and just see how that plays out. The main thing is still getting out on the road and then we'll figure out if and when we're going to try to come up with a new record that's worth doing. Frankly, a lot of the hardcore fans want some new music, but I'd say the majority are looking forward to the next time we're playing live and playing some of the old standards, and some of the old standards can mean a song that came out 20 years ago, and to some people those are new songs that they never heard before.

At this point in our career - like Billy Joel said, "I'm not going to make new records, why should I spend the money, why should I bust my ass when all people want to hear is 'Uptown Girl?,'" and he's got a point. There's always the chance that you can have a hit, you just never know. You could pour your heart into every track and the record will just lay there and then there's other times people hear a song and think it can be a No. 1. That's part of the excitement of doing a new record to me, but at this point I know we'd like to do another record, I just don't know when. There's too many places to play live and I'd frankly rather spend [the time] on the road, playing Dubai or Singapore than locking ourselves in a room for X amount of weeks or months putting out an album that may or may not have any impact, when you really look at it. The last record, I think about half of it was a real classic Aerosmith record but it just didn't make much of a dent. That's just how the business is and maybe the songs weren't as good as I thought they were. Why bother when we've got "Train Kept A Rollin'" and "No More No More" and all the songs off the first three or four records right up to the songs in the '90s that people want to hear and never heard us play live? We'll just see.”

Read more of the interview at

Aerosmith’s headlining appearance at the Download Festival in Donington Park on June 15th, 2014, was adored by the fans and acclaimed by the critics. The band delivered a blistering set of their greatest hits with 80,000 people in the crowd singing along. It was proof, if any were needed, that Aerosmith remain one of the most dynamic live acts on the planet with a catalogue of songs that is firmly embedded in the hearts and minds of rock fans from all over the globe. Aerosmith Rocks Donington 2014 is a triumphant celebration of a legendary band at the peak of their powers.

Due out September 4th via Eagle Rock Entertainment, the film - which premiered in February with a highly successful nationwide theatrical run - is available to pre-order on multiple formats: Blu-ray+2CD, DVD+2CD, DVD+3LP and on all digital formats for North America and DVD, Blu-ray, DVD+2CD, DVD+3LP and digital formats for ROW/Europe. A new trailer can be found below.


“Train Kept A-Rollin’”
“Eat the Rich”
“Love In An Elevator”
“Livin’ On The Edge”
“Last Child”
“Freedom Fighter”
“Same Old Song And Dance”
“Janie’s Got A Gun’
“Toys In The Attic”
“I Don’t Want To Miss A Thing’”
“No More No More”
“Come Together”
“Dude (Looks Like a Lady)’
“Walk This Way’
“Home Tonight”
“Dream On”
“Sweet Emotion”
“Mama Kin”


“Mama Kin”:


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