LAMB OF GOD Guitarist Willie Adler - "Randy Blythe Is By Far The Most Admirable Man With The Utmost Standup Character I've Ever Met In My Life"

March 31, 2014, 10 years ago

hot flashes news lamb of god

LAMB OF GOD guitarist Willie Adler is featured in a new interview with Part of the conversation focuses on frontman Randy Blythe's legal battle in the Czech Republic following the stagediving death of a fan, Daniel Nosek. An excerpt is available below:

UG: It's obvious that Randy had no intention of trying to harm Daniel Nosek when he climbed on the stage. It was just a horrible accident.

Adler: "Yeah, I mean like Slash said in the film you're entering a frenzied, party environment. Unfortunately tragedies can happen and there's no malevolence behind anything. It's just a frenetic atmosphere and unfortunately accidents can happen. It is a shame."

UG: Playing devil's advocate - do you know what Lamb of God would have done if Randy had been found guilty?

Adler: "No, I really don't. Yeah, like you said it was a distinct possibility in that he had already served five weeks in prison and he was gonna go back. I have no idea what would have happened. I am very thankful that it turned out the way it did. And at the same time, still and probably always will be thinking about Daniel's family and hopefully they can have the same form of closure we can enjoy. I don't see that happening but they're all in our prayers and hopefully they can achieve the kind of closure we have."

UG: Randy's decision to return to the Czech Republic took a lot of courage.

Adler: "Yeah, that's the true definition of a man. Randy in my book is by far the most admirable man with the utmost standup character I've ever met in my life."

UG: It's pretty unbelievable.

Adler: "It really is. The entire way Randy handled it, I would hope makes people kind of stand back and I guess kind of give a little bit of a guideline how to live your life and to always do the right thing."

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BraveWords' Mark Gromen was at the Philadelphia premiere of As The Palace Burns - check out his report at this location.

As The Palaces Burn, not to be confused with the making-of documentary packaged with the recent re-release of the 2003 Lamb Of God album of the same name, was conceived to be a documentary focused on the power of music and its impact on cultures around the world and its ability to bring together people of all nationalities regardless of religious or political differences. After a worldwide casting call, filming took place in Colombia, Venezuela, Israel, India, and the United States. As filming reached its conclusion, the documentary was forced to take a major turn when the band’s lead singer, Randy Blythe, was arrested in the Czech Republic and charged with the murder of a fan in June 2012. Granted unique access to Blythe’s continuing saga, director Don Argott’s filming covered Blythe’s 38 day imprisonment in Prague, his release and the band’s return to live performances, and finally Blythe’s trial for murder in Prague in February 2013.

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