LAMB OF GOD - Prague Court Rejects Damages Claim By RANDY BLYTHE

September 30, 2015, 8 years ago

news heavy metal lamb of god randy blythe

LAMB OF GOD - Prague Court Rejects Damages Claim By RANDY BLYTHE

According to, a lawsuit by Lamb Of God frontman Randy Blythe seeking compensation after he stood trial in the Czech Republic has been rejected by a Prague court.

Blythe was acquitted in 2013 of causing a teenage fan's death at a concert in the Czech Republic. He was accused of pushing a 19-year-old who had climbed onto the stage during a 2010 concert by the Richmond, Virginia-based band at a Prague club. The man's head hit the floor and he later died of a head injury.

Michal Sykora, a Czech lawyer for Blythe, says the court on Wednesday dismissed his request to be paid 15.555 million koruna ($640,800) by the Justice Ministry. Sykora says his client still can appeal.

In the Artisan News clip below, Lamb Of God guitarist Willie Adler shares his true thoughts on the ordeal Blythe went through being incarcerated in Prague in the wake of a fan's death, offering his thoughts on the tragedy of the whole situation and the plight of the victim and his family.

In Dark Days, Blythe tells the story of his incarceration and the wild life that led up to it. As he explains, “Most substance abuse books end with the author getting sober. My book starts there.”



Dark Days is available now via Da Capo Press. Random House will release the book in the UK and associated territories. Order at this location.


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