MASTODON - New Album Features "Some Heavy, Fast Stuff, But A Lot Of It Is Kind Of Doomy"

July 24, 2020, 3 years ago

news mastodon heavy metal

MASTODON - New Album Features "Some Heavy, Fast Stuff, But A Lot Of It Is Kind Of Doomy"

Mastodon drummer Brann Dailor recently spoke with Metal Hammer about the band's forthcioming album, the follow-up to Emperor Of Sand from 2017.

Dailor: "It’s all over the map. There’s some big, big heavy riffs that are happening, so that’s what I’m into. And then there’s some guitar gymnastics by Brent Hinds that have been some of the most difficult things I’ve tried to wrap my ahead around and play drums to. So there’s some super-progginess coming from him, and some really super, pretty moments. But there’s some rockers in there, too.There’s some heavy, fast stuff as well, but a lot of it is kind of doomy. But that’s where we’re at!"

Guesting on Tone-Talk, guitarist Bill Kelliher also discussed Mastodon's forthcoming eighth album. Following is an excerpt from the interview.

Kelliher: ""For me, our band, if you put our first album against even three or four albums ago, you'd be like, 'This is the same band? Holy shit.' It is no exception with our latest record that we're working on. It's moving forward, and we're kind of turning the corner to the next thing. I can't sit still in the same... like AC/DC - awesome band - every record they got to a point where they just have the same formula, three chords - awesome three chords. The Ramones, same thing; Slayer, same kind of thing. It really just kind of gotten that groove, I don't want everyone to get in that groove.

Let's put it this way: when we put a record out and there's half of our fans like, 'Fuck these guys! They're fucking selling out or they're turning a certain corner where we don't feel comfortable here anymore,' I feel like, 'You know what? We're gaining more people over here because we're actually growing as a band; because I'm still writing.' I mean, I'm 50 years old, but I'm going over there today. I'm gonna write something over there, I'm not just gonna go like this the whole time, and I feel like we have a lot of fans in the waiting who are like, 'Oh, I can't wait to see what they do next' because our past few records have been... we mix it up."

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