MATT SORUM Talks KINGS OF CHAOS Gigs, GUNS N' ROSES Memories - "It Was Scary At Times; I Look At All Of That, And I’m Just Happy We’re All Still Alive"

October 28, 2015, 8 years ago

news kings of chaos hard rock steve stevens robin zander sebastian bach matt sorum duff mckagan gilby clarke

MATT SORUM Talks KINGS OF CHAOS Gigs, GUNS N' ROSES Memories - "It Was Scary At Times; I Look At All Of That, And I’m Just Happy We’re All Still Alive"

The rock supergroup Kings Of Chaos featuring: Steve Stevens, (Billy Idol), Robin Zander (Cheap Trick), Sebastian Bach (Skid Row), and Guns N' Roses alumni Matt Sorum, Duff McKagan, and Gilby Clarke, are gearing up for their two Canadian shows this week. And to promote the gigs, Matt Sorum spoke with the Windsor Star. Here are a few excerpts from the chat:

How important is ego-management in keeping a band together?

“From my experience, I mean — It’s been a bit of a wild ride. Hence the name, Kings Of Chaos (laughs). But at the same time, I don’t know if I would’ve wanted it any other way. You know, I see bands with lead singers who are really nice. Squeaky clean. And I really don’t feel I’m getting that wild, rock n’ roll sensibility that I want. I love Dave Grohl (Foo Fighters frontman), don’t get me wrong. But he’s a drummer who got out front with a guitar. Is there any danger in it? Not really. If you go to a Foo Fighters show, you’re gonna see a band play their set, and everything is gonna go down nice, and he’ll thank the crowd, and everyone’s gonna go home and go ‘Wow, that was a really nice rock n’ roll show.’ Not everything went perfect in any of the bands I’ve been in, but I know one thing: People on their way home were going ‘Holy ****, what was that?'”

What’s your favourite wild G N’ R memory?

“Aw, man. The whole thing was a big blur. I always tell people, my Guns N’ Roses experience was like watching somebody else’s movie. If I was to make that movie myself and watch it — I still wouldn’t believe it (laughs). Was I really there? Or was it some sort of warped dream? The whole thing was surreal. I felt like I really had no control where I was going. I was being taken on this adventure. It was scary at times. Super highs, super lows. I look at all of that, and I’m just happy we’re all still alive.”

Read more at the Windsor Star.

Kings Of Chaos Canadian dates:

29 - Windsor, ON - The Colosseum at Caesars Windsor
30 - Rama, ON - Casino Rama




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