MIKE TRAMP Weighs In On Germanwings Tragedy - "If You Don't Like Your Life Don't Take It Out On Us; It's A Cowardly Excuse"

March 29, 2015, 9 years ago

news mike tramp hard rock

MIKE TRAMP Weighs In On Germanwings Tragedy - "If You Don't Like Your Life Don't Take It Out On Us; It's A Cowardly Excuse"

Former White Lion frontman Mike Tramp has posted the following message via Facebook:

"Hello everyone, another day in paradise as once again the sky over Los angeles is blue and the sun is shining like there's no end. Still, it is impossible for me to to leave this incredible sadness and anger, after yet another airplane fatality. When will this shit stop?

My heart is full with pain for the ones who never made it home and for the ones who are left standing with empty hearts and without that special one in their life.

I am without words and understanding. That we as human beings, have now come to this place where children are not safe in their own home and passangers are not safe in the hands of their trusty captain, or in this case co-captain. Why is it that others have to pay with their lives, just because of someone else's misery, religious belief or what other reason you can come up with? 

If you don't like your life, and your doctor, family, friends or God can't help you, don't take it out on us. That ain't fair; it's a cowardly excuse.

R.I.P passangers of GermanWings Flight 9525, you didn't deserve this, no one does."

In tears,

Mike Tramp 

March 27th, 2015



Go to this location for a full CNN report on the Germanwings crash intentionally caused by co-pilot Andreas Lubitz on March 24th during a routine flight from Barcelona, Spain to Düsseldorf, Germany. 

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