NOSTRADAMEUS Clear Up Your Questions

September 10, 2005, 18 years ago

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Swedish metallers NOSTRADAMEUS have posted the following interview at their official website intended to clear up a number of questions surrounding the band:

Q: It’s been a long time since we heard anything from Nostradameus. Could you tell us why?

Nostradameus: "We’ve been working all the time. Mostly with material for our future albums but also some small gigs, and talking abort gig’s we recorded some songs from a festival in Gothenburg too be released on a DVD sometimes in the future. So we would say that things are happening even if it doesn’t look that way from outside the band."

Q: The first three albums came in a Quite short period of time, Words Of Nostradameus 2000, Prophet Of Evil 2001 and The Third Prophecy in January 2003, why did you wait until late 2004 (November) with the release of Hellbound?

Nostradameus: "All the recordings and everything on Hellbound were finished and ready for release in December 2003, but for some reason that we don’t know AFM chose too wait with the release until late 2004. You can imagine how it felt too have a finished album that every one in the band is proud for and not be able to play it or let some one outside the group hear it."

Q: I know that a lot of people wonders why there wasn’t a tour on the Hellbound album, Could you explain that for us?

Nostradameus: "There were plans for a smaller tour with U.D.O. in March, but it was delayed for some reasons that we don’t know, and later there were plans for a small tour with MASTERPLAN but this was something AFM didn’t think was worth the money it should cost. And that’s rally a problem for us with lots of gigs, we would really love too play all over the world, Brazil, Chile, Russia you name it, but at this point the costs makes it impossible for us. Maybe when Nostra grows bigger we can do all the gig’s we want."

Q: Now to some questions abort the direction your music has taken, Hellbound sounds a bit different from your earlier releases, harder heavier and not so much power metal. Is that a conscious step?

Nostradameus: "We would like too call it “natural progression”. When we write our music we don’t try too turn it in a certain direction. Maybe we feel that we want to try something different from the traditional power metal, sometimes we write a song that fits that category and if we think that the song is good enough it will end up on the album. We also write songs in a different way today compared too how we used too do. On the earlier albums Jake & Freddy used to come with finished songs, with their ideas for drums, bass and arrangements, today everyone in the band is involved, we write the songs together and use ideas from all the guys in the band."

Q: What can we expect from Nostradameus in the future?"

Nostradameus: "As we said earlier we’ve been working with new material and new songs for the coming albums, and we believe that the new songs is another step in the direction we took with Hellbound. Hopefully our fans will like it as much as we do, we feel that the new songs are stronger than ever. And after the release of the album we would like too go away on a big, long tour too meet all our fans that has been waiting for us."

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