OLIVER/DAWSON SAXON Signs Booking Deal With Dreamtide Music

June 18, 2020, 3 years ago

news heavy metal oliver/dawson saxon

OLIVER/DAWSON SAXON Signs Booking Deal With Dreamtide Music

Dreamtide Music has announced the signing of Oliver/Dawson Saxon for a booking deal covering Scandinavia (Sweden, Denmark, Norway) + European festivals.

Oliver/Dawson Saxon is an English heavy metal band formed in 1995 by guitarist Graham Oliver and bassist Steve Dawson, both members of Saxon during their classic era, 1976 - 1986. The bands live set consists of their own material, plus all those golden hits (“And The Bands Played On”, “Dallas 1 PM”, “747 (Strangers In The Night)”, “Crusader”, etc.) from the million selling albums released during the heydays of NWOBHM.


Graham Oliver - guitar
Steve 'Dobby' Dawson - bass
Bri Shaughnessy - vocals
Paul Oliver - drums
Gav Coulson - guitar

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