ROB HALFORD Reacts To Comedian's Joke That Offended SEBASTIAN BACH - "I Don't Gargle, I Swallow"; Video

October 21, 2020, 3 years ago

news heavy metal rob halford judas priest sebastian bach

ROB HALFORD Reacts To Comedian's Joke That Offended SEBASTIAN BACH - "I Don't Gargle, I Swallow"; Video

On last week's episode of The SDR Show (Sex Drugs Rock & Roll Show), the popular comedy/music podcast on Gas Digital Network, they had Sebastian Bach on and he didn't last more than 12 minutes before he got offended at a gay joke (specifically a gargling jizz joke about Rob Halford), and disconnected from the Zoom session.

On the following episode, they had Rob Halford on and explained what had happened with Bach, and his reaction is so epic. The metal god himself drops the best roast of all time.

Says Halford: "Let me say three things. I did a Zoom with Sebastian the other day and it was typical Sebastian, he couldn't get the Zoom to work and he had that thing where you put your face right up against the camera and you're looking up his nostril, and he's screaming at his wife and he's screaming at his kids, and it's complete and utter pandemonium, and we're trying to make it connect, and it did connect. We had a great conversation. He's a terrific guy, he's so much fun.

"The second thing is, I don't gargle I swallow.

"And the third thing is, I've always wanted to be roasted at a comic roast, so if you guys, at some point, after this pandemic is over, if you can put me in that roast chair, I would love that."

Watch the video below:

The previous episode, featuring Sebastian Bach, can be seen below:

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