SAHHR Streaming Video “Slay The Savior"

November 7, 2014, 9 years ago

news black death sahhr

SAHHR Streaming Video “Slay The Savior"

Having unleashed the unholy harvest that is their self-titled EP on Halloween night, today California blackened death malefactors Sahhr are pleased to gore eyeholes with their "Slay The Savior" video.

Co-directed by Jamie Phillips and Dale Pavinski of Gorilla Punk Productions, the lecherous clip is a visual treasure trove of chaos and debauchery.

Elaborates guitarist Aarsoth of the cinematic deviance on deck, "The video was shot in one day in an abandoned warehouse in the ghettos of Los Angeles where a known serial killer had brought victims. There was dried blood and syringes everywhere. We broke in and just shot guerrilla style. It stunk of death and was over one-hundred degrees... all the cameras stopped working and the candles melted. Several of us were arrested as we finished. Brilliant."



Featuring past and current members of Skull And Bullets, Dowager, Scarecrow and Unwritten Law, Sahhr formed earlier this year by singer/songwriter Ryllyeh. A veteran of the New York City punk and metal scenes since the early 1980s, Ryllyeh's (AKA-Joe Truck, also a world renowned tattoo artist) past musical endeavors include time spent in '80s deathrock bands Scarecrow and Braineaters, the latter of which included ex-Samhain guitarist, Damien. He also plays bass and screams in doom heavyweights-Dowager. Ryllyeh united with guitarist Aarsoth earlier this year and instantly began composing what would become the trio of tracks occupying the EP.

Sahhr was released digitally at this location and on CD via Domestic Genocide later this month. A host of special Halloween In Hell preorder packages are currently available at this location.




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"Slay The Savior"

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