SEVEN WITCHES - New Album Nearing Completion

April 8, 2015, 9 years ago

news heavy metal seven witches

SEVEN WITCHES - New Album Nearing Completion

Seven Witches is nearing the finish line on the follow-up to 2013’s Rebirth.

Jack Frost (Savatage, Metallium, Bronx Casket Co.) says, “I pushed myself harder than ever as a player/producer. I owe that to the amazing job that Johnny Kelly did during drum tracking. Johnny's playing is the stuff of legends. Everything you hear is the man himself. Reminiscent of Cozy Powell, John Bonham, and Bill Ward. I'm so honoured to call him my drummer and Brother! His playing made me push myself to a new level!"

Johnny Kelly is also currently recording with Danzig and Kill Devil Hill.

This CD will surprise a lot of people, not a typical Witches CD, it has a very bluesy feel. It's still heavy but there's a groove element. Take Led Zeppelin, Bad Co. and Whitesnake and smash in a little NWOBHM and there you have it.

“Ronnie Parkes tone and monster riffing have given the songs final life”, continues Frost. “As I sit and listen I can't believe these are the same tracks from the original demos. It's like watching a child grow. Sorry, I've never been so happy with songs that I created. Maybe it's just that I didn't push, I just put my heart into it.”

“I also had the opportunity to hear some of the tracks from the upcoming Bonfire CD that Ronnie and David Reece recorded. This is some killer shit. Fans of old and new will love this! David killed on it. I wish the stars for Ronnie, He deserves it! Look for Bonfire on tour all over the globe this year!”

Anthony Cross says: “Writing with Jack is a fun roller coaster. Jack and I try to do what’s best for the song. I call Jack the mad scientist his ideas are all over the place. And I think it’s great! This CD will have something for everyone. It’s not cookie cutter or intended to sound like previous releases. It’s new music. I have a lot of respect for all the vocalists that came before me. But it is not my intention to try and be one of them I just try to do the songs that they recorded justice when I get onstage.”

Jack Frost: “The new record is being mixed by Joey Vera (Fates Warning, Armored Saint, Motor Sister) and we couldn’t be happier with the result. We also have a couple of dates with Armored Saint and Saxon in May.

Our new CD, tentatively titled The Way Of The Wicked, will be distributed by ILS/Caroline/Universal Group in the US. We can’t wait to get out there and show you what we’ve got!”

Seven Witches lineup:

Jack Frost - Guitars

Anthony Cross - Vocals

Johnny Kelly - Drums

Ronnie Parkes - Bass

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