THE AMENTA Sign With Debemur Morti Productions

October 11, 2020, 3 years ago

news the amenta black death

THE AMENTA Sign With Debemur Morti Productions

One of Australia's most sinister secrets has awoken from slumber to spew its venomous breath onto the world once again! The Amenta, well-known for their three albums Occasus (2004), Non (2008) and Flesh Is Heir (2013) seemingly went into a seven-year hibernation after releasing the aformentioned trilogy, but are now back and as they state, ready to pursue new goals:

"The triptych of Occasus, Non and Flesh Is Heir had an underlying common spirit, so once the touring cycle of Flesh Is Heir was complete, it felt like a logical time for the band to take a break to reinvent itself. During this time, we gradually began work on what the next phase of how The Amenta would look like, sound and feel. We analysed and disassembled our approach to our instruments, our sound, and our aesthetic. This work took place all over the world with members now spread out internationally, working in our individual home studios and meeting once or twice a year to collaborate in person. In 2018 the first clear vision of the new The Amenta began to take place. Now in 2020 we are ready to bring this new phase of black death noise rock to the world."

The Amenta have now signed to Debemur Morti Productions in order to unleash their new musical vision. Far from being a typical black or death Metal band, The Amenta aim to carve innovative paths through darkness and, therefore, share a common mission with their new label home, as The Amenta state themselves:

"Debemur Morti Productions has been on our radar for a long time. I’m not sure what the first release I was aware of was, but I do know that one particularly early one was Mescalyne by Spektr. Immediately I could see that Debemur Morti Productions was interested in the stranger and more artistic ends of the extreme music spectrum, so they became a label we would watch. One thing that we find very exciting about working with Debemur Morti Productions is that they are very focussed on the presentation of the music as an artwork. The roster of bands, past releases and the incredible support we have had so far suggest that experimentation, strangeness and left-of-centre music are the key common factors across these very different bands. To work with a label with a vision for boundary pushing music is very exciting to The Amenta."

Although long-time fans and new listeners still have a wait until new material by The Amenta becomes audible, to celebrate their return the band has decided to create an apocalyptic video clip for the song "Obliterate's Prayer" from third album Flesh Is Heir. The composition perfectly dovetails the raw power of industrial with the band’s death metal roots.

"The lyrics of 'Obliterate’s Prayer' deal with the desire to have your consciousness destroyed or drowned by total sensory overload, particularly in sound. The video was put together by Erik [Miehs, guitars]. He chose imagery that represented both this process of sensory attack and overload, as well as the eventual total void. There are repeated shots of televisions flickering static, which is a visual representation of white noise, every frequency at once. The live band shots in the video are from our appearance at Sonic Forge Festival in Melbourne, 2013. During the last few Australian tours, we filmed most shows with multiple cameras. During this period in which live shows are not possible everywhere, we decided that we would release some of these live shows that have sat in our vaults for several years."

Take this teaser for what it is: a first sign that darkness is rising again from Australia. The whole interview with The Amenta concerning their new label home can be found on the homepage of Debemur Morti Productions. The Amenta will release their long-anticipated new album at the beginning of 2021.  

For further details, visit The Amenta on Facebook.


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