THE BLOODLINE Cover DAMAGEPLAN’s “Save Me”; Free Download Offered

December 24, 2015, 8 years ago

news heavy metal the bloodline damageplan

THE BLOODLINE Cover DAMAGEPLAN’s “Save Me”; Free Download Offered

A free download of The Bloodline’s cover of Damageplan’s “Save Me” is now available via the Babbel-Net Podcast #131. Head to this location for details on how to get your free download.

Earlier this year, The Bloodline released a music video for the track “Poisonous,” which comes off their debut offering, We Are One (Another Century). The album is available now digitally and in stores.

Travis Neal (vocals) states : "The track “Poisonous” is basically about someone that is poisonous in nature. A person that is like a parasite, that consumes all that they can before they abandon what’s left of the victim. In the lyrical sense, it’s referenced as a woman, but in reality this can be anyone. Someone that preys upon one’s emotions, feelings, finances or anything that would slowly cripple and destroy one’s confidence, self-pride and total being. I know that everybody that is reading this has met a person like that and can relate to these lyrics in one way or another.

"The music video for “Poisonous” depicts a scenario of a relentless jealous woman that will destroy anything that doesn’t work in her favour. In our case it was the fact that we did not pick her to be in the video from a panel of a total of five women, which in this case all were picked but her. She then takes the frustration out on us one by one to show that she will not except defeat and will repay the act of failure 10 fold. In a sense she makes her way through our video like a plague, consuming and destroying everything in her path.

"I also have to say, I’m pretty damn proud of this record. We worked on this record for about two years, through ups and downs and everything that goes hand in hand with living life and now that it is finished, finalized, pressed and about to be released the feeling of butterflies like being a kid excited about Christmas is definitely the feeling I am getting. There is a lot of truth in this record for me lyrically, so the fact that this vision is finally come to be is pretty awesome. We as a band as well as our team are all in the same feelings and are so very proud to release this to each and every one of you. We hope you enjoy this as much as we all do."

Shaun Glass (Guitars) further comments: "To say We Are One is my favorite album I've ever been a part of making is a understatement. Every song offers the listener a great snap shot of what we are as a band. From the most melodic songs to the balls out heavy stuff it's a journey that we hope you’re addicted too."


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