THE DILLINGER ESCAPE PLAN’s Ben Weinman - “We're Going Into The Studio Around November…”

July 20, 2015, 8 years ago

news heavy metal the dillinger escape plan

THE DILLINGER ESCAPE PLAN’s Ben Weinman - “We're Going Into The Studio Around November…”

The Dillinger Escape Plan guitarist Ben Weinman reveals that the band are set to get to work on their next studio album. He tells Australia's The Rockpit, “Yeah we're already writing! We're well onto a new record and the writing process and we're going into the studio around November so we're already getting it going.”

Asked if he feels any kind of pressure to outdo the last album, he states: “I don't think we really try to think about it too much, we just start moving and start making stuff. It's like just take what you got and get to work and at some point you just got to write the first riff and not look back. We just want to make sure it always moves us, We're proud of pretty much every single thing we ever put out. We've always put 110% into it and we've always been the kind of band where some of our music may seem clever but that's not the most important part. The most important part is that it has emotion and energy so I like to think what differentiates us from some of the technical bands is that everything we do has to feel like it can't just be interesting, it actually has to move us. We have to be able to picture us playing it live and feeling it and so the carthartic nature of our music is the most important thing. So with that in mind it's not about beating something or topping it, it's about maintaining that level of emotion and really feeling or believing that we're creating something honest. And that's the challenge, we have to be in the right state of mind to do it, we can't just force it.”

Read the full interview at The Rockpit. Find The Dillinger Escape Plan’s live schedule here.

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