TOBY KNAPP Cancels Blues Album, Forges Ahead With Metal Album

June 25, 2020, 3 years ago

news toby knapp heavy metal

TOBY KNAPP Cancels Blues Album, Forges Ahead With Metal Album

Guitarist Toby Knapp has cancelled his planned blues album. The six-stringer explains:

"I wrote an entire album of blues inspired songs in COVID-19 lockdown. When I started recording them I began losing interest, 'this isn't me.'  There is that old saying that you have to enjoy what you are doing if you expect others to enjoy it. At first it was great and I learned a lot more about blues playing which I'll use for the rest of my days; playing simple guitar licks with conviction and playing more progressive blues runs in favor of the typical modern arpeggio exercise. Ultimately, the whole project felt like a step backwards though. On a positive note, my phrasing and tone during guitar solos has improved, but I'm a heavy metal traditionalist be it neo-classical metal or early black metal, I can't change that."

Knapp continues:

"The blues album was a vehicle to get booked into clubs easier and maybe get some real touring in... but given the state of the world I don't think I should bank on playing live gigs. I would love it, but I have to focus on what I do have control of. Writing a whole new batch of material that I know my listeners will enjoy has been great."

Knapp's solo album will still be titled From The Aether and will most likely be released in late 2020 or early 2021 on CD and digital platforms.


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