AGELESS SUMMONING – Corrupting The Entempled Plane

August 14, 2023, 9 months ago

(Dark Descent)

Greg Pratt

Rating: 8.5

review black death ageless summoning

AGELESS SUMMONING – Corrupting The Entempled Plane

This UK-based death metal five-piece shoots for atmosphere and gets it here on massive debut Corrupting The Entempled Plane. I've said it before, and I'll just keep saying it: Dark Descent is absolutely a label to trust when it comes to extremity, so it's no surprise the DD logo is proudly stamped on this one. 

Ageless Summoning takes the swirling, guttural, slow-mo side of DM and lets the vibe run strong on tracks like stellar opener “Usurper Of The Void” (guitar solo atmosphere for miles, catchy vocal hooks) and “Among The Worms” (who apparently live where the slime... well, you know). The death metal polka beat comes in on songs like “Descent From The Infinite”, and it's awesome, but this band's strength is in the low and slow, songs like the title track seeming to just get slower as they go on, and whether its illusion or by design, it's awesome.

Ageless Summoning crafts some death metal art here, creating atmosphere, tapping into some of the best parts of the genre to create a debut to remember, the band not quite down in the murk with the current crop of Immo-harvesters, keeping things a bit more lively and energetic in a classic Floridian DM manner (the opening of “Retribution Eternal” is pure Earache '91) but still sounding fresh today (world-eating closer “Salvation In Ash” is timeless DM spirit).

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