BAL-SAGOTH - Atlantis Ascendant

May 9, 2001, 23 years ago

(Nuclear Blast)

Martin Popoff

Rating: 5.0

sagoth review bal

BAL-SAGOTH - Atlantis Ascendant

Still in a weird zone all their own, Bal-Sagoth get campier with their prissy and pristine soundtrack metal concerns, mining their unique combination of sterile and thin black metal, pockets rifled through with cheez keys and sci-fi narrations. Folking 'ell though if the band don't sound quaint as chain-mail bees, snapped tight as Sinergy, not symphonic in a wide-angled way, more like squeaky clean, occasionally zippy power black with all these horn-style keyboards added on like fey and failed Cradle experiments. Bothersome like black flies.

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