GENOCIDE PACT - Genocide Pact

February 27, 2022, 2 years ago


Greg Pratt

Rating: 8.0

review black death genocide pact

GENOCIDE PACT - Genocide Pact

Man, place this cover art up next to this Washington, DC-based band's last album, 2018's Order Of Torment, and you're going to think it's two different bands, that one pure DM and this one crusty grindcore. But it's the same band alright, Genocide Pact delivering their ugly caveman death metal with a side stomping of punked-up grindcore and tough as nails hardcore.

This cover art suits the band more, but they move through all the aforementioned styles with ease, opener “Led To Extinction” dropping serious Celtic Frost mountain-moving sludge death AND d-beat punk with style, for example; “Perverse Dominion” worships at the altar of Immolation. “Deprive Degrade” blasts and grinds but also trudges through Obituary's swamps of Florida, while “Purged Flesh” crawls slower and lower and man this is getting wretched.

It's horrible, it's beautiful, and massive submerged-in-tar 6:27 closer “Industrial Obedience” is the perfect way to end this album, which is only 33:03 all told, a perfect length for death metal this raw, difficult, and energetic. Genocide Pact get it all right here, creating an album definitely worth revisiting.

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