ORIGIN - Origin

July 26, 2000, 24 years ago


Keith Bergman

Rating: 3.0

origin review

ORIGIN - Origin

Hyped since, like, 1974 by the spinmeisters at Relapse, Origin's self-titled label debut comes wrapped in confusing outer-space imagery and Big Bang hyperbole, but a peek under the hood reveals little more than a criminally thin-sounding batch of bland death/grind blah. I dunno who's gonna care that this exists - it's not intense enough for the Hate Eternal/Krisiun crowd, the vaulted "technical" side of it flat-out doesn't exist, there's nowhere near enough low end for the grind/gore fiends (seriously, was this mixed for AM radio, or what?) and there's no hooks to speak of. What's left is warmed-over riffs, chintzy blasts and dull vocals, adding up to twenty-nine minutes of demo-grade death clatter. The drummer should sue whoever got that Casio-cre bass drum sound for him, incidentally. No matter what your poison, there's better out there.

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