DJERV Singer Agnete Kjolsrud Guests On League Of Legends Game Track 'Get Jinxed'; Video Streaming

October 11, 2013, 10 years ago

hot flashes news djerv

DJERV singer Agnete Kjølsrud is performing the vocals on the track 'Get Jinxed', released by Riot Games. The track and video is released in support of the introduction of a new character, Jinx, into their flagship game. League Of Legends is the world’s biggest online game with more than 5 million players every day, and the video for 'Get Jinxed' has reached an impressing 7 million plays in only two days. Watch it below:

Agnete from was approached by composer at Riot Games, Christian Linke to record the vocals for the track. “I had known Agnete since I had listened to her old band Animal Alpha around 2006 or so, there was a song on the SXSW festival sampler. When I sat down and thought of who to reach out to for the vocals on the Jinx track, Agnete's voice came instantly to my mind. I wasn't sure if I could even get in touch with her, but everything luckily worked out, and she was interested. Jinx is in a way very unpredictable and somewhat bipolar. She can go from laughing hysterically to screaming aggressively within seconds. I think Agnete's voice has those features, she is incredibly versatile. So much control over her voice, we could literally do anything. From totally childlike characteristics to raw, uncontrolled power.”

Agnete comments: "Working on this was incredibly fun and inspiring. Naturally it was a challenge as where so far apart, but when we got into the groove on skype we were able to make it work pretty fast. We tried recording in Oslo, but I realized I had to get in the room with Christian and work with him in the studio. Going all the way to LA was not the ideal setup, but when I got there it was such a fun a fulfilling experience. The whole Riot Games crew is such great creative people, it was an honor working with them.”

Christian had this to say on Agnete and Djerv: “Agnete is a phenomenal vocalist, and also a very kind and humble person whose heart truly beats for music. Her voice is one of the best female rock and metal voices that I have ever heard, so I am really hoping that this will help expose her band's talent, and bring her band Djerv a lot of new fans. They make amazing music, and they deserve to be successful. Today's times are not the easiest for "hand-made" music genres, especially rock and metal, to promote yourself and get your name out there. So I am hoping this might help a little.”

Agnete is currently working on a new Djerv record but no release date is set yet. “We are writing songs, and it is so much fun. It is more rock oriented, maybe a bit more towards what we did with Animal Alpha. We have a single out soon so you can hear for yourselves in not too long.”

Djerv released their selftitled debut record in 2011 via Indie Recordings acheiving an impressive 8th place in domestic charts, and 3rd in Norwegian artist charts.

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