Bassist Joey Vera - "ARMORED SAINT Is Our Fun Thing"

May 4, 2010, 14 years ago

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Rockpages Web Magazine in Greece talked with Joey Vera and Gonzo Sandoval from ARMORED SAINT about the band's new album La Raza among other topics. Here's an excerpt: Armored Saint is like a beast that refuses to die. It’s not a band that it’s trying to establish a career and I’d say that whenever you feel like you want to come up with new material, you gather and do it. Is this an accurate picture or things are otherwise?

Joey Vera: "Absolutely! That’s pretty much the truth of it. Even in 2000, when we got back together to do Revelation, we agreed that we weren’t going to make Armored Saint our #1 priority or make whatever it was necessary to sell records and maintain our career. The reason we first got back together was because we wanted to have fun again like it used to be in the beginning for Armored Saint. When we started this band…after a certain point, there was so much pressure and obligations…things that you had to do in order to be competitive with all the others, so we didn’t want to get involved in all this…we just wanted to have fun. Also, back in the 80s, it was totally different…we were 20 years old, we didn’t have our own family or kids, and we didn’t have so many responsibilities. So, Armored Saint is our “fun” thing, something that we do for sheer enjoyment without sacrificing the integrity of the band or the integrity of the music. So, yes, it’s accurate what you said…we only get back together when we feel inspired and confident."

Gonzo Sandoval: "Some people have tried to end Armored Saint only to return to the Beast as you call it. I believe Armored Saint is bigger then any one of our members. The energy that keeps us getting back together is Miraculous and Magical. Perhaps Dave Prichard, my Dad and all that love Armored Saint keep sending us good vibes and the opportunity to Rock Out from Heaven. This is my personal view. I’m Thankful and Grateful for John and Joey writing this Very Musical Record. I Believe in Armored Saint as a bigger picture, and under the circumstance of today’s world I Feel the world needs a Positive Force to latch onto for entertainment to say the lease and perhaps for Hope of a better World!"

Read the entire interview here.

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