MY RUIN's Tairrie B.: "Recording The Vocals For This New Album Has Been An Experience I Will Never Forget"

November 24, 2006, 17 years ago

hot flashes news my ruin

As previously reported, MY RUIN frontwoman Tairrie B. was involved in a car accident on September 29th that left her with a serious injury to her left arm.

Miss B. posted the following update yesterday (November 23rd), at the band's MySpace page:


Although I do not believe in Thanksgiving (in the Biblical sense of the day) ~that's a joke~ *cough* (actually, when you think about it... this day really stands for some fucked up shit).

But in saying that... I do believe it's nice to give thanks every once in a while.

So as you eat that large bird stuffed with tradition whose flesh, when consumed on certain religious anniversaries

has the peculiar property of attesting piety and gratitude, REMEMBER... what are YOU thankful for?

After all that I have been through recently, I can honestly say... I have a lot to be thankful for.

My band and the people I share it with are at the top of my list. We've been through the wound together and a whole lot more in a very short time. Recording the vocals for this new album has been an experience I will never forget and always hold close in my heart.

When it came time to start my vocals, I wasn't sure if I was going to be able to do it. The first couple of days were rough and filled with a lot of pain. My arm was in a brace (still is) and I was on medication (still am). I hadn't used my voice in what felt like forever or rehearsed with my band for weeks.

I feel like i've been through hell and back. LITERALLY.

It was kinda scary going into the booth not knowing what was going to come out but my guys were amazing and they took their time with me until I was comfortable and at home again behind the microphone. They never doubted me and that meant a lot to me. Even when I doubted myself for a minute.

Mick, Chris & Duane thank you for holding my hand throughout it all (and massaging my fingers when they got puffy and went numb) Thank you for reminding me.... IT NEVER LEFT ME. because when it finally came out.... it poured.

This album has become more than a recording of music and lyrics for me. It's become my recovery. Being in the studio with my arm in this condition has inspired me and helped me heal.

Not only from my accident.

The songs on our new album will be telling the stories that have needed to be told. The ones which have been a long time coming and the ones which we have kept quiet for a long time. It's OUR turn. Our time. And I have no regrets.

Everyday as I listen back to the tracks we've recorded, I get that feeling. Those chills. The ones that let me know i'm alive... breathing and my HEART is still BEATING.

Afterall, isn't that really what it's all about?

I will be posting a video update on my arm in about a week and soon we will be posting a new "In The Studio" video part 2 of my part of making our album similar to the one Mick made of the guys recording the music but until then, here are few photos from a couple days ago. The last song.

Although Matt is currently in France and not here with us at the moment, he is in spirit and will be back with us soon

(in case anyone is wondering why he isn't in any of the photos).

Warm Wishes, from us to you on this holiday!

Love, Miss B."

Check out a slew of photos at this location.

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