SHARK ISLAND Singer Richard Black - "I Suppose We Have Become A Bit Of A Cult Band"

June 2, 2007, 17 years ago

news rock hard shark island

Singer Richard Black and guitarist Spencer Sercombe from cult '80s rockers SHARK ISLAND spoke to recently about a number of topics including their latest album, Gathering Of The Faithful. A few excerpts follow:

You guys have long been known as the most illusive band from your era?

Richard: "Yeah, I suppose we have become a bit of a cult band. I think illusive because of our personalities and who we’ve become. We never reached “super status” and alone with that not the mass amount of money that goes along with it, sure we made a living, but we still had to do other things to supplement.. You know somewhere along the line I had a moment of clarity where I found the entire celebrity thing kind of silly, I mean the hires one has to put on to promote oneself. I feel bizarre behaving “holier than thou.” I suppose I’m just too idealistic thinking this business is only about music."

Spencer: "Were we illusive? During the late eighties and early nineties we played in LA so much it was hard not to see us. Outside LA we were maybe a little too illusive. As for famous, we have and have had some very dedicated fans."

So after all this time, gathering of the faithful was one of the most anticipated releases ever. How do you think it faired?

Richard: "Well it depends what you mean by 'faired'. I quite like it. Will everyone else like it? Beats me. Will it sell big time? Don’t know yet. Hope so, but this was largely for us, and the people who already like our music, there are a lot of memories and great stories that I am glad we got to share in The Gathering.

Spencer: "I think it’s a really good record. It was a gas making it, and I’m very happy with the end result."

To read the entire interview head to this location.

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