Vocalist GÖRAN EDMAN Looks Back On Working With YNGWIE MALMSTEEN - "To Be On Those Two Albums, It's Still Getting Me Work Today"

January 9, 2021, 3 years ago

news yngwie malmsteen göran edman

Vocalist GÖRAN EDMAN Looks Back On Working With YNGWIE MALMSTEEN - "To Be On Those Two Albums, It's Still Getting Me Work Today"

On the latest episode of the 80’s Glam Metalcast, Swedish vocalist Göran Edman looks back on working with guitarists Vinnie Vincent and Yngwie Malmsteen. Check it out below.

On working with Vinnie Vincent 

Edman: "Vinnie wanted me to copy Robert Fleischman's voice. I recorded every song on the first album up to the solo. So my demo ended up on the Internet. Someone put it there. I don't know why Robert Fleischman wasn't on board anymore, but Vinnie was looking for a new singer. He wanted me to record these as an audition. I sent the material back and he said he was on board with me and he really loved what he heard."
"It was time for to me pack my bags. A few weeks later he called me up and he sounded disappointed. He said the record company had the option on this album with the contract, and they wanted an American singer and not me. He couldn't do anything about it. Chrysalis had the last word. The label wanted Mark Slaughter and Vinnie wanted me. At least that's the version that Vinnie told me. A few years later, like late '88 or '89, he called me again. He asked me to come to L.A. because he had some new songs and he wanted me to audition again. Actually, I think he just wanted me to sing on a demo for free. I was stranded for 14 days in his home studio in Reseda, I never did get to see L.A. I was a slave in his home studio! We did like 9 complete songs. We went to Chrysalis to show them the new material, but he was fired from them. They signed the band but not him...Slaughter. They weren't interested. They were like, 'Don't call us, we'll call you.'" 

"Vinnie was really disappointed. He asked me to promise to wait for him to get a record deal. I waited for almost a year. Then I got a call from Yngwie's manager for an audition. So I ended up signing with Yngwie Malmsteen. Ironically, after that Vinnie called me. He told me he got a record deal and wanted to get me back in the U.S. He picked up on that fact that I was being quiet. I told him I signed with Yngwie. He wasn't mad. He wanted me to give it a second thought, but I decided to stick with my decision. I don't think I ever could have sang all the material, it was too high. I would have ruined my voice. I would have had to squeeze my balls to get up there." 

On his time with Yngwie Malmsteen

Edman: "There were ups and downs. I'm glad I did it. To be on those two albums, it's still getting me work today. As a person, he was kind of tricky. He could be very nice and also be an asshole. The first tour and doing Eclipse (1990) was very nice, Fire And Ice (1992) was hell. I didn't have the inspiration anymore, he just wanted to be in complete control. During the recording of Eclipse he was sloppy. He was never present. He was out drinking and partying. Yngwie would show up to the studio late and we would be all done. The engineer helped out a lot with the producing. In the end, Yngwie thought it had too many harmonies and was overproduced. That's why Fire And Ice is more raw and live sounding. He tried to be more present then and control the situation." 

"I helped a lot on that one with the melodies and the lyrics. I think I had 12 songwriting credits on there. I had to sue him to get the money. It took like 3 years for them to pay me. I have gotten over the bad vibes of the past, but I don't think he would ever call me. His empire is controlled by him and his wife and he distances himself from the rest of his band. He used to say we were like cattle on a bus, and no one would ever notice if we quit the band. Everyone just focuses on him and his guitar playing. He just wanted us to do what we were supposed to do and shut up! He is an exceptional guitar player, but he has such an ego and he's difficult to work with." 

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