BLAZON STONE - Hymns Of Triumph And Death

July 4, 2019, 5 years ago


Mark Gromen

Rating: 7.0

review heavy metal blazon stone

BLAZON STONE - Hymns Of Triumph And Death

Everyone's favorite Running Wild doppelganger returns, with eleven tunes (and intro) that sound suspiciously like Rolf Kasparek's outfit, even if the lyrics this time around (generally) avoid seafaring life. Lively, fast moving (almost danceable jig) rhythms are the name of the game (almost to an unvarying fault), with speedy guitars and beer hall sing-alongs.

“Heart Of Stone” bounces on an infectious riff. More than past efforts, there are frequent gang backing vocals, doubling the lead. At times, the guitar tones descend into 8-bit video game speed metal (see “Dance Of The Dead”). Speaking of six-strings, there's plenty of atypical ear candy flourishes within “Iron Fist Of Rock”. One of the watery tunes, “Hellbound For The Ocean” recalls “Last Of The Mohicans” (off Rapid Foray), while the galloping, grittier toned, double bass drum propelled “Cheating The Reaper”, offers shouted (backing) chorus and even frontman shriek, for emphasis. Call and response titular chorus on “Slaves & Masters” is delivered by the chorus. 'Wavebreakers” is heads down speed, start-to-finish, barely able to spout off the lyrics within the time constraint. Speaking of vocals, the register goes up on appropriately entitled “Ride High”, undershorts creeping up, to nearly falsetto notes! Ends with as close to a party anthem as either band (Blazon Stone/Running Wild) has gotten, “Wild Horde', with its incessantly repeated “We're the wild horde!” chorus.

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