JAMES MURPHY - Touching The Earth

March 10, 2002, 22 years ago

by Carl Begai

feature james murphy

During an interview for Testament's new opus, First Strike Still Deadly, guitarist Eric Peterson gave BW&BK; an update on his former axe-slinging bandmate James Murphy, who was diagnosed with a brain tumor a few months ago and recently underwent surgery to have it removed.

"James was actually diagnosed with three brain tumors," Peterson reveals. "He was having memory loss, and if he had waited any longer to get operated on he would have died. He's doing okay, but they had to take his left cheekbone out to get to it, and they were only able to get 70% of the tumor out. He's going to have to be on medication for the rest of his life."
"On a positive note, when I talked to him I had to fight to get off the phone (laughs). He was talking my ear off and it was inspiring to hear the totally intellectual James. I think he'll be back to playing because he's got lots of ideas and he's frustrated at not having been able to play guitar for so long."

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