10 Tips For A Freshman Music Major

May 3, 2021, 3 years ago


10 Tips For A Freshman Music Major

Entering the freshman year of college as a music major could be exciting and intimidating at the same time. It will test your abilities but give you many opportunities to grow as a person and succeed as a musician. Of course, there will be responsibilities. But that is the beauty of freshman year. Check out these ten tips that will help you lead your freshman year as a music major with grace. 

#1 Join a music group a.k.a ensemble 

Most music courses have a requirement that music majors must be a part of an ensemble (instrumental or choral). Before you join any ensemble, make sure to read their requirements first. Then plan your classes around your ensembles to avoid any mixup. Take note that being a part of the ensemble means meeting several times a week, performing in concerts, dress rehearsals and practice. 

#2 Plan out your semester

Be prepared for busy semesters as a music major. Generally, music majors are required to have 15-18 credits per semester. This means taking music courses and some mandatory courses of Maths and Science to meet the credits requirements. So make a plan of how you are going to manage everything. Take help from other students who have already been in the same place or talk to your college advisor. Some students take online classes or study while summer breaks so that they can find time for music throughout the semester. 

#3 Play with other musicians 

Do not just keep yourself busy in attending classes. Focus on your music and work on becoming a better musician. One way to do that is to start playing with other musicians. Remember that music is about community. The more you will connect with others the more you will learn and will be able to succeed as a music major. Moreover, you will feel much more confident while playing in front of a big audience later.  

#4 Take private lessons 

Based on your music college requirements, you need to learn to play an instrument or more. So, be ready to take some private lessons and prepare yourself. Look for an experienced music instructor with a legit degree in music and experience as a performer. Finding the right instructor for yourself could be tough. You might have to write letters, seek appointments or showcase your love for music to get someone to teach you. 

#5 Prepare for your final performance 

At the end of every semester, you would be required to play in front of a jury and showcase your talent. Start preparing for that performance from day one. Your private music lessons can play a major role in preparing you for that performance. Generally, you have to provide a list of songs that you have prepared and then the jury might ask you to play anyone out of that list. So make sure to include the music that you love to play. Focus on your breath, expression, consistency, posture et cetera based on your niche so that you can impress them! 

#6 Increase your productivity 

Do not forget that you have to attend classes other than practising and learning music. Prepare a suitable environment where you can do your homework. Sara, who offers assignment help in Australia says “it could be a quiet corner of the library or a calm coffee shop. You will notice that once your environment is right, completing your homework is no more intimidating. You can concentrate more and give your best.”

#7 Nurture your love for music 

If you are learning music just to seek attention and praise, think again. Make sure you do it because you love it. Go to live concerts, listen to music, read biographies of your favourite musician or learn some basic music theory. Do everything that you want to explore music and you will find your passion in it. Attending concerts can help you become a better musician as you can observe how these trained people play and bind the audience. 

#8 Do not skip classes 

Attend as many classes as you can whether they are of Science or Music. Skipping a class just to practice is not an excuse. If you stay regular in your classes, pay attention and take notes, you will be able to perform much better in exams. Denver, who offers assignment help for music says, “Attending classes is a must. You will save a lot of time as you won’t have to figure out what to do and how to create assignments. Moreover, you have paid for these classes, so why not attend some?” 

#9 Take care of your health 

If you often skip lunch to practice music or complete a pending assignment, it is not a good habit. You need to take care of your health if you want to be a better musician. Make sure you eat healthily and sleep well so that you can remain active during the practice sessions. As far as assignments are concerned, tweak your schedule a little to find time to study every day. 

#10 Take breaks 

Do not overburden yourself. Find time to relax and refresh your mind. But make sure you are not using relaxation as an excuse to be lazy. Go out for a walk in the evening, exercise at least ten minutes a day, meditate or cook a healthy snack. Take your mind away from the hustle once a while in a day. Live in the moment and believe that everything will fall into place. 

Wrapping up 

All these tips might not work the same way for every student. Yet, they will inspire you to balance and organise your freshman student life. Do not forget to live every moment of college life as this time would never come again. You now have the freedom to learn what you want and ignite your passion. Make the most of it! 

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